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3 Tips for Savoring Leftover Halloween Candy

One of my favorite comic strips is Zits, and like some others, it’s moved into Halloween mode. In one of last week’s comics, Jeremy (a teenage boy) asked his dad if they could make a haunted house for Halloween. But his dad was against the idea because it would attract too many kids and they’d eat all the candy.

As the dad said: “I’m pro-leftover candy.”

Maybe you also appreciate leftover Halloween candy, either from not getting many trick-or-treaters or from going to the store on November 1 and getting leftovers on sale. Either way, there’s still the question of how you plan to eat the candy. Go through it fast or eat it slowly? Or maybe you don’t have a plan and most of the candy disappears in an afternoon when you eat it mindlessly.

I recommend having an intention to eat the candy slowly and savor it as much as possible. Here are a few tips to help you do that.

Stick with candy you like

I’ve heard that some people buy Halloween candy they don’t like specifically so they won’t be tempted to eat it. Except that often seems to backfire because they end up eating the candy anyway, but without enjoying it

So, if it’s likely that you’ll eat the candy when it’s around, even if it’s not your favorite, it makes more sense to get something you like. At least that way, you’ll get some pleasure when eating it, and presumably, that’s the goal with something like candy.

Also, while I don’t like the idea of throwing away food, if you end up with candy you don’t like, it’s probably better to toss it than to use yourself as a human garbage can. You might feel virtuous about food not going in the trash, but you won’t like what you’re eating, and you may end up overeating because later you decide to eat something you do like, even though you’ve already eaten all the candy.

Wait until you’re hungry

I know it might feel silly to wait until you’re hungry before eating candy. After all, how much will a piece of candy – or two, or three – fill you up?

I understand that, but I still suggest waiting until you’re hungry, for a couple of reasons.

One is that you’ll appreciate the flavors of the candy even more if you’re hungry. And if you’re going to have it, why not go for maximum enjoyment?

Plus, if you have candy when you’re hungry, you’ll probably eat less because you’ll notice how it impacts your hunger. If you eat when you’re already full, it’s harder to tell how fast you might get uncomfortably full.

Pay attention while eating

Again, I know it may seem odd to think of eating candy mindfully. It’s not a meal at a four-star restaurant, after all, and most Halloween candy is a small size.

But still, it’s worth trying to be mindful when eating the candy. See if you can notice the different textures and flavors. Notice how it smells. Look at it and see what makes it appealing. Take small bites to make the most of it.

This is how I try to eat the Halloween chocolates I got for myself. They’re small squares, but I find if I eat them in four to six bites, instead of one or two, I only want one because I’ve gotten so much of the taste and enjoyment in the smaller bites.

You may notice that, too, that you don’t need as much in one sitting – which has the bonus of making the candy last longer.

Candy deserves mindfulness

Candy is processed food, high in sugar, fat, and calories, but that doesn’t mean we should eat it mindlessly. As with anything you might it, it deserves to be eaten thoughtfully and mindfully.

When you can do that, you’ll be more apt to truly enjoy the candy, and the leftovers will likely stick around a lot longer.


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