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Winning the Losing Battle:
A True Story of Weight Loss and Transformation
Growing up, I struggled with food choices.
I told myself that I overate because I loved food, but in reality I often felt awful about what I was eating, either guilty when eating “bad” foods or deprived when eating “good” foods.
The result was that I ended up eating much more than I needed and gained a lot of weight.
Finally, in August 2000, tragedy inspired me to change things. I decided that I was done listening to what other people told me about food – I was going to listen to myself. I started paying attention to my body’s needs and reactions, learning to trust its own wisdom.

Book Reviews
"Just got this book and read it in one day, couldn't put it down once I started. She definitely describes authentically the experience of being overweight, especially as a teeenager/young woman. You go on her journey with her, and a journey many of us know firsthand. Thank you, Erica." - KT(Amazon review)
"Inspiring, honest, heartfelt story of transformational change. Erica describes vividly the pain and shame of being an overweight teen and young adult and how a tremendous loss caused her to change her life and her sense of what is possible." - Judith Moll (Amazon review)
"I couldn't put it down. Thoughtful writing and I could feel myself with the author while reading. I highly recommend this book to anyone who knows what to eat, but seems to have a battle with food." Jessica Wyman (Amazon review)