Food and Compassion
An awful lot is going on in the world right now (or at least in the United States), and while I’m not going to delve into all of that, I...

COVID and Musings on “T-Shirt Swim Club”
Just a short newsletter this week since I’ve been dealing with COVID and have needed lots of naps. I have nothing against naps, but it...

What Exercise Can and Can’t Do
It’s the time for New Year’s resolutions again, which for many people includes losing weight. And a lot of people think the best way to...

Reflections on Traditional Holiday Foods
Do certain foods automatically come to mind when you think of Christmas (or your holiday of choice)? I know they do for me, based on...

Visit to a Candy Store
The expression “like a kid in a candy store” usually refers to something other than a visit to an actual candy store. But last week, I...

5 Tips for Coping with Holiday Stress
Somehow, the holidays are right around the corner, and while they’re generally happy occasions, they also come with many expectations....

3 Ways to Go Deeper with Gratitude
You’ve probably heard how beneficial it is to cultivate gratitude, maybe even keep a gratitude journal. That’s all well and good, but it...

Reflections on “The Weight of Love”
A few weeks ago, I listened to an episode of the podcast Death, Sex & Money called “The Weight of Love” , which involved people talking...

Eating While on Vacation
I recently went to Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, for a couple of days, and it may not surprise you to know that I thought a lot about food when...

Be Responsible or Practice Self-Care?
How often do you face the decision to continue being responsible and “adulting” or taking a break and practicing self-care? And how often...