How to Feel Satisfied with Smaller Meals
When you start paying more attention to your eating habits, you may find that you don’t need as much food as you thought you did. A...
3 Takeaways from “Lovely and Amazing”
A friend recently recommended the movie Lovely and Amazing, and I didn’t know what to expect apart from the fact that it dealt with body...
3 Ways Mindless Eating Can Sneak Up on You
Eating mindfully takes practice, and it can be a challenge to do regularly, especially since mindless eating can sneak up on you. Even...
How to Be Hungry
Do you know how to be hungry? For some people, this might seem like a trick question, since the pre-requisite is to know when you’re...
Health and Morality are Not the Same Thing
I recently stumbled across some of the notes I took back when I did my health coaching certification in 2011, and one thing particularly...
3 Benefits of Being Mindful
Usually, when I talk about mindfulness, it’s in relation to food and eating, but being mindful can extend to all areas of your life. You...
One Size Doesn't Fit All When It Comes to Food
I’ve known for a long time that a “one size fits all” approach doesn’t work when it comes to what we eat. And yet, while I know this...
Emotional Eating 101 – Including Tips on How to Stop
I recently watched the SyFy show Resident Alien, about an alien who crash-lands in a small town on Earth and pretends to be a local...
3 Surprising Impacts of Fast Food
(Note – this is written based on my understanding of a video I watched. If I got anything wrong, that’s on me, not the people who made...
3 Tips to Tell if You're Bored or Hungry
Work has been a little slow for me lately, and since I work from home, a couple of times I’ve found myself wandering into the kitchen and...