Visit to a Candy Store
The expression “like a kid in a candy store” usually refers to something other than a visit to an actual candy store. But last week, I went to a large candy store called Sweetz & More, and it sure reminded me of being a kid.
One reason is that when I was growing up, there was a little variety store about a mile from my house that sold penny candy. I don’t think it’s possible to get penny candy anymore – I don’t think you can get anything for a penny, for that matter – but this store had buckets of candy where you could get a piece or two and pay per pound. That felt like the same idea if not the same pricing.

I also spotted some candy I hadn’t seen in ages, like candy necklaces. I didn’t even know anyone made those anymore, and seeing them brought back a lot of memories.

They also had a movie corner set up where “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” was playing, with a little table where you could sit and watch, and of course, you could also buy concession-style candy to eat while watching.
But while it made me feel a bit like a kid again, the visit also made me think about what had changed since I was a kid.
Minimal temptation
When I was younger, I was obsessed with candy, mainly because it was on the list of foods I wasn’t supposed to have. As with many things, that just made me want it more. I could also eat quite a lot of candy in a single sitting, and if I went to a candy store, I’d be tempted to get almost everything.
That’s no longer the case. While it was fun seeing the enormous variety available, I was perfectly content to just look at most of it without feeling like I needed it. I passed up plenty of candy that I would have happily eaten in my earlier years, and I only got a little bit of other candies. Some salt water taffy, black licorice (yes, I’m one of those odd people who likes black licorice), a “mystery bag” that had a variety of things in it, and a few odds and ends from the candy buckets.
More than that, the candy I got will last me quite a long time because I’m no longer interested in eating much at a time. A couple of pieces a day is all I want. Much more than that, and I wouldn’t feel that great.
Different candy options
Another thing that’s changed is many of the candy options. Some of this is in flavor profiles, like seeing Snickers made with pecans and almonds, or salt water taffy with a flavor of “pickle.” (It made me feel like the salt water taffy people are trying to get in on the Harry Potter every flavor jelly beans.)

But what really struck me was the enormous variety of gummy candies. I remember gummy worms and gummy bears, and I think that’s about it. But now, you can get just about anything as gummies! I saw gummy chicken feet, brains, teeth, body parts, bacon, hot dogs, Lunchables, burritos, tacos, pizza, and more. It was quite bizarre, at least to me.

I didn’t buy any of those options, but I imagine they taste pretty much the same as anything else made out of gummy, and the shape is just for novelty. But it strikes me as rather excessive.
Of course, they had plenty of non-gummy items, too, but after walking through the whole store, the gummy items seemed to make up a higher percentage of the candy than most other varieties.
Remembering that food can be fun
The other thing I liked about going to the store was the simple reminder that food can be fun – and it probably should be more often than it is. It’s so easy to get caught up in worrying about food, whether it’s about calories or other nutrients, or if it’s organic or free-range or how it’s packaged, etc.
Letting that go so you can just enjoy the food is a useful reminder for the holidays, when food is so abundant. So, whether you get to a candy store or not, I hope you can also find some fun and joy in food this holiday season.