Salt and Bread
I recently finished reading a book of Best-Loved Folktales from Around the World, selected by Joanna Cole. Given all my thinking about...
Dessert Is On the House
On a recent work trip, I went out to dinner at a fancy Italian restaurant called Scarpetta at the Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas. The menu was...
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
Unlike Snow White’s step-mother, I have never felt the need to ask a mirror, “Who is the fairest of them all?” I’ve never suffered under...
The Morals of - Candy?
With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, I expect to find stores brimming with candy in crimson, particularly various forms of chocolate. I...
Earning the Right to Eat
This past week we had a major snowstorm in Maine (along with other parts of the country), dropping over a foot of snow on us. Happily, I...
I’ve now eaten at two restaurants in what used to be former churches, and the difference could hardly be more extreme. My first such...
See What You Can Find
In the Christmas song “Soul Cake”, one of the lyrics is: “Go down into your cellar/ and see what you can find.” I was thinking of that...
Sugar Cookies
I don’t remember how old I was when we started making sugar cookies for Christmas, but it quickly became a tradition. As I described it...
Sugared Out
When I got back from my week in Paris, I was telling my neighbor a little about the experience. She asked, “And did you try all kinds of...
Food Ministry
I recently participated in a lay-led worship service at my church, one of many in the past few years. During coffee hour, a woman told me...