Why You Shouldn’t Try to Control Your Kids’ Weight
I was horrified a couple of weeks ago to read an article in Slate called “The Last Thing Fat Kids Need” because it was the first time I’d...
Panicked by Pandemic Pounds?
A recent piece in the Portland Press Herald talked about one man’s dismay at gaining seven “pandemic pounds.” He was able to lose some of...
5 Tips to Start Making Your Goals a Reality
Have you been putting your life on hold until you get to a certain weight? Or perhaps until you’re in a relationship, or you have a job...
Are Your Thoughts Derailing You?
During this past year, I’ve been more sedentary while working at home. It’s not a deliberate choice, but it just happens when I’m not...
3 Tips to Celebrate New Things in Life
Easter means many different things to different people, but most people agree that the holiday is a celebration of new life. That’s...
5 Strategies to Manage Changing Hunger Levels
Have you ever noticed that on some days you’re hungrier than others? Back when I overate, I never got to the point where I noticed this,...
3 Tips for Avoiding the Trap of Weight Loss Compliments
A few months ago I began typing up old journal entries, starting with ones from almost 20 years ago. (I’d already typed up the ones...
Is Your Thinking about Eating Black and White?
The other day, I felt like having an English muffin as part of my meal, but I wasn’t sure I was hungry enough for a whole one. At first,...
5 Tips to Help Stop Eating Before You’re Too Full
In mindful eating, I often use a hunger/fullness scale to help people think about how hungry they are or to identify how they feel after...
Thoughts on “Brittany Runs a Marathon”
I’m always a little nervous about movies showing overweight women for fear of how they’ll be portrayed. But I’d read good things about...